“I will grow…”

Around the table and across the globe God is crafting dreams and rewriting stories.

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory..." // EPHESIANS 3:20


Fulfilled tells the story of the village of El Kom al-Akhdar, Egypt, through the eyes and experience of a brave young mother named Raouth. It’s her story, it’s El Kom al-Akhdar’s story, and, yes, it’s TOLI’s story.
But ultimately, it’s Jesus’s story.


At the heart of TOLI is the simple idea that every person is born with purpose, value, and God-given creative capacity. Assets to share. Gifts to give. Futures to build. Dreams to dream. The hard facts of a broken world will tell them what they lack, what they’re missing... But God – and TOLI – shows them what they have to give. And that makes all the difference.

2022 regional Conferences

Relational investment and servant-hearted leadership by TOLI Social Workers and leadership are the true power in TOLI’s program. That’s why last year we invested in equipping our field staff through a series of regional conferences focused on servant leadership, spiritual growth, team building, and worship.

Taste and See

TOLI serves people in some of the poorest places around the world, and it's easy to focus on their extreme hardships. But there’s hope to be found in the most unexpected places.  

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." // PSALM 34:8

One-Minute Promo

An overview of what TOLI is all about.