Why microloans?

Because there’s no hope in a handout.

We believe the key to breaking the cycle of material poverty is not charity, it's dignified work. And day after day, year after year, we witness how access to a small loan — along with training and ongoing support — unleashes hope and transformation in the lives of individuals living in poor communities around the world.

How can such a small amount make such a big difference? TOLI microloans average around $270 USD — enough to invest in the tools, inventory, or resources to launch their own small business. These small loans are an investment in the dreams, creative capacity, and God-given abilities of each person to build a future for themselves and their families.

“Can you see the glow on my face of how much this has changed my life?” SARAH // Kenya

What happens when a microloan is repaid? TOLI loans are revolving and stay local. When the loan is repaid by a recipient, it's then 'recycled' to another entrepreneur in the very same community. This local focus is one of the reasons behind our clients' high repayment success rate of 98% (over three years) and central to our commitment to sustainability. Over time, a revolving TOLI loan fund can replenish itself, no longer needing outside capital to continue to serve a community.

"The best thing was that they went with me to get my inventory. Since I had no money for so long, if I went alone I would have spent it all (on other things) and had no business.” HEBA // Egypt

Do you really think microloans are enough? No, we really don't. That's why our investment in entrepreneurs is not just capital. Behind every microloan is a TOLI Social Worker providing business training, support, and spiritual discipleship for the life of the loan term — and often beyond. While a microloan is an effective tool, it's just a start.

We believe a microloan program is only transformative in the context of relationship. And that curing poverty is not simply a financial problem to solve. Truly curing poverty must come through the healing of individuals’ relationships with themselves, others, creation — and ultimately their relationship with God.

How can I find out more? Watch this video to see TOLI's impact and glimpse the joy of this ministry.

Convinced? Jump in! Here are three ways to get involved:

1. Join the Prayer Team.
2. Become a Monthly Investor.
3. Follow and share on social media for stories, scripture, and updates.

Sights and sounds from the Egypt Regional Conference

A TOLI team recently returned from a week with program partners in Egypt. They visited clients, encouraged staff, and held the 2022 TOLI Egypt Regional Conference – a rich time of worship, team-building, and servant leadership training facilitated by DAI for nearly 40 TOLI leaders. One of the best parts? TOLI's leadership team from Kenya flew in for the conference, and we were all able to learn from each other and grow in community. Thank you for your prayers over this conference!

TOLI Global Day of Fasting and Prayer
October 24th, 2022

Mark your calendars and join the TOLI family for 24 hours of prayer and fasting for the ministry and one another. Click here to sign up for a slot, and stay tuned for more information.

TOLI TUESDAY PRAYER GATHERING // Tuesday Oct. 11th // 12-1pm MT

JOIN ON ZOOM: Email Audrey for your link or to join the Prayer Team for regular reminders and prayer updates.

OR DROP IN at the TOLI office: 5785 N. Union, Colorado Springs, CO 80918